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Don’t Step on MAI Flo: Flocabulary as an Instrument in Multimedia-Assisted Instruction

The learner engagement strategy herein discussed is multimedia-assisted learning. Since its integration into the classroom, multimedia has had the seemingly magical ability of making the dullness of schooling that much more exciting. Even back in the 90s, seeing an overhead projector being wheeled through the classroom doors would send electrical surges of motivation down the spines of many young students. Whatever it was, a transparency of the parts of a cell or just a clock and an explanation on how to read it, the turning off of the lights, the breaking off the routine of books and notebooks made it feel like the classroom suddenly shifted into something entertaining, worthwhile and scintillating. The overhead projector contributed heavily to the enlightenment of a whole generation. Now, the coming generations are fueled by Urban music, so to bridge the gap between interest and instruction, high school student Blake Harrison used Rap to help him study and realized that if it worked for him, it’d work for others. He majored in English in college, teamed up with a music producer and brought Flocabulary to life.

Flocabulary provides songs lyrically engineered to simplify definitions and explanations, provide examples, repeat key concepts along to exciting music which is itself usually composed to reflect the subject matter, as well. The songs are published along with an animated music video that reflects the content of the lyrics.

Goal Correlation

Right now, it seems there is nothing more that young people want to do than listen to music. One of the most popular social media apps available, TikTok, is predicated on exciting music and engaging content made with that music. Flocabulary digs into those desires of the contemporary student, almost as if forcing them to think: “I gotta do homework, but at least it’s kinda cool.” This highlights the comments from Liu, Liu and Tu that “one of the advantages of multimedia-assisted instruction is that it makes students more interested in sustainable learning and assists them to access information and learn more effectively.” Flocabulary makes it so that students take it upon themselves to want to study and embrace their education as their own. Choice affects motivation, and motivation, when combined with cognitive competence and social interaction, leads to engagement. (Guthrie & Davis, 2003)


At its inception, Flocabulary was born out of self-regulation. Blake Harrison, the idea man behind the concept, started the company in high school for himself. He wanted to learn but just wasn’t getting it, so he decided to rap to himself the content of his schoolwork. The idea behind Flocabulary can be expanded so as to have the students develop their own lyrical content in their own creative ways so as to even further strengthen the likelihood of retention. The same study mentioned earlier also acknowledges that: “as far as the four language skills are concerned, reading is the fundamental way of obtaining knowledge.” So, despite the benefits of multimedia-assisted instruction, reading is still at the core of attaining information. Whether deliberately or inadvertently, Flcoabulary seems to be aware of that and publishes their animated music videos with subtitles of the lyrics and they all publish the lyrics separately. If lyrical content is too fast with the music, they can read the lyrics along or at their own pace.

Student Expectations

“Make it fun” some students will say, quite boldly and honestly. Nowadays, some students seem to want to succeed academically more than previous generations but some expect or downright demand for it to suit their entertainment. This is important because learning things is essentially creating a long-lasting memory and what better memories than happy memories. So it’s important to create positive, welcoming and supportive learning environments where students want to be because they know they can succeed or at least not feel a sense of failure if they don’t. Flocabulary helps lighten the mood in a way where the students are still made to feel like they’re studying but there’s less of a sense of pressure. Even when a student’s interest is lacking, effective teaching has the potential to be the catalyst for sparking situational interest. As Schiefele put it "situational interest is an emotional state brought about by situational stimuli" (p. 302) Flocabulary is sure to stimulate students.


Gutherie, J.T. and Davis, M.H.2003. Motivating struggling readers in middle school through anengagement model of classroom practice. Reading and Writing Quarterly, 19: 59–85.

Liu X, Liu Y, Tu J-F. Multimedia Technology and Learner Autonomy: An Experimental Study for Asymmetric Effects. Symmetry. 2020; 12(3):462.

Moley, P. F., Bandré, P. E., & George, J. E. (2011). Moving Beyond Readability: Considering Choice, Motivation and Learner Engagement. Theory into Practice, 50(3), 247–253.

Reiser, John V. Dempsey. Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology. Boston: Pearson, 2012

Schiefele, U. 1991. Interest, learning, and motivation. Educational Psychologist, 26: 299–323.

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