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Gaming with a Purpose: Utilizing gamification for academic achievement


Most people born after the 1960’s have experienced playing arcade or video games. The popularity of gaming has reached a peak in 2022, as gaming has become a completive sport, likened to poker. With most of the world able to access the internet, sites like YouTube and Tik Tok are great platforms for gamers to stream their content. Asking students to go back to the basics with paper and pencil is similar to asking society to revert back to the stone age—the concept just isn’t plausible and overall not beneficial to our society. “To achieve this behavior change, gamification can be integrated with processes to coach employees through the process execution,” (Burke, 2014). Not only can gamification be used for adults, but it can utilized for all ages, from toddlerhood to senior. Curriculum Associates’ I-Ready Learning is a software that utilizes interactive learning activities and educational math games based on skill acquisition for students in Kindergarten to eighth grade.

Meeting the Goals in I-Ready

Erickson et. al. explain that “Digital badges are visual representations of achievement that are available online and contain rich metadata as evidence of the achievement; they are often combined with points and leaderboards to gamify learning,” (2018). I-Ready provides students with an academic goal—identified through a point system and mini lessons modeled with interactive activities and visuals. I-Ready Learning explains on their website that it “provides scaffolded support that meets the needs of all students; creates personal learning pathways for each student,” (2022). These pathways are based on each individual student’s diagnostic results therefore students are assigned individualized goals to make academic progress. Students are assigned personalized lessons aligned to these goals and academic deficiencies. I-Ready Learning provides the students with a visual representation of their progress so students can be accountable for their learning and track their goal acquisition (I-Ready, 2022).

Frequent Feedback Through I-Ready

Gamification is fun for students but should also provide critical feedback to improve the learner’s knowledge or outcome. Gamification can be used to provide useful feedback. In the Book, Gamify, Burke explains that “In gamification, achievements are recognized in a number of ways, with one of the more common ways being badges,” (2014). In using I-Ready Learning, students are provided feedback through multiple means to understand their progress toward meeting their goals. I-Ready Learning explains on their website that their programs "Use corrective feedback to promote productive struggle, so students become more independent,” (2022). This feedback is provided to both the learner and the teacher, so the educator is able to provide current remediation or modify instruction as needed. Immediate feedback to current learning is vital in the learning process. “Rapid feedback allows teachers to gauge the student’s current understanding and make instructional decisions in the moment,” (Erickson et al., 2018). This means there is not wasted turn-around time from objective to assessment. Remediation happens iteratively which is beneficial for both the learning and educator.

Volitional Strategizing with I-Ready

Erickson et al. explain that immediate feedback “also allows students to evaluate their own learning, see the results of their efforts, and make decisions about strategies and next steps,” (2018). Determining how to plan instructional and provide remediation follows a cycle that educators have spent years learning and applying. For students to decide which goals have higher priority happens often during teaching moments when the opportunity to correct may come too late. “In cases when this goals collide, volitional strategies can help students prioritize their goals and avoid being distracted by those that are less important at any given moment,” (Reiser & Dempsey, 2018). One of the greatest benefits of I-Ready Learning is that it creates goals for the learning as well as establish how the learning can attain these goals. The software prioritizes vital lessons, games, and on-the-spot feedback in a path that allows the learner to stay on target toward their goal. Often times, educators have many goals to assist students with, in multiple subject areas but I-Ready Learning’s Personalized Instruction Path does it all. I-Ready Learning explains on their site that “Students receive a personalized lesson path of engaging instruction and practice based on their I-Ready Diagnostic results,” (2022). Instead of students or teachers having to plan specific learning goals, I-Ready Learning does that for them.


Burke, B. (2014). Gamify: How gamification motivates people to do extraordinary things. O'Reilly. Bibliomotion. Retrieved April 23, 2022, from

Erickson, A., Lundell, J., Michela, E., & Pfleger, I. (2018). Gamification. In R. Kimmons, The Students' Guide to Learning Design and Research. EdTech Books. Retrieved from

Reiser, & J.V Dempsey (Eds.). (2018). Trends and issues in instructional design and technology (4th ed.) (pp. 80-81). New York, NY: Pearson

Personalized learning in reading and mathematics: I-ready. Curriculum Associates. (n.d.). Retrieved April 23, 2022, from



Nov 11, 2023

Petra Soto


Dr. Deason


Blog #3 Gaming with a Purpose, by "cdmartin4"

Utilizing Gamification for Academic Achievement

Engagement Strategy #1: Personalized Learning

According to "cdmartin4," the popularity of gaming reached its peak in 2022 when gaming was not just for fun anymore but found its way to the sports field. As games gained popularity among people of all ages, the interest in bringing gamification into the educational field grew. I agree with "cdmartin4" because, as an educator, I have noticed that in schools nowadays, more than ever, we are encouraged to use digital tools for teaching to gain student engagement in their studies. The most popular software schools have used lately is "I Ready." "Cdmartin4" in the blog…


Sep 16, 2023

According to "cdmartin4," the popularity of gaming reached its peak in 2022 when gaming was not just for fun anymore but found its way to the sports field. As games gained popularity among people of all ages, the interest in bringing gamification into the educational field grew. I agree with "cdmartin4" because, as an educator, I have noticed that in schools nowadays, more than ever, we are encouraged to use digital tools for teaching to gain student engagement in their studies.

The most popular software schools have used lately is "I Ready." "Cdmartin4" in the blog gives many examples of how" I-Ready" software is utilized in the educational field. According to "cdmarting4" I-Ready provides students with an academic goal identified…


Sep 09, 2023

The anticipation and experience of a satisfying outcome…

Gamification, when designed with the learner in mind, has the, “…potential means to make real world activities more engaging” (Ong, 2013, p2). Similar to the purpose of including gamified lessons or activities in a classroom, the same applies to the workplace. Gamification allows a learner to make mistakes, learn from mistakes, and succeed in the end (Khaitova, 2021). The learning process is a safe environment building confidence and satisfaction as a task or goal is achieved. Through research, I’ve concluded that gamification impacts the affective domain as well as the cognitive domain (Reiser & Dempsey, 2018). There is the want, or need, to learn the content which creates value for the learner.…


Unknown member
Jun 11, 2023

Tracey Lindsey

June 10, 2023

Blog Reflections - Week #2



Gamification is an emerging trend in the educational context. With the exponential growth in use of the internet, gamification is present in almost everything our learners see and do. Very much like the video games we grew up on, our learners are utilizing the “game” to replace the old-fashioned forms of educating and learning new concepts. Motivation and engagement can both be easily seen and experienced through the use of gamification in educational materials.

Curiosity to Learn

What better way is there to spark curiosity in learning? Games! Games and more games! Most cultures can relate to some form …


Apr 17, 2023

Gaming with a Purpose: Utilizing Gamification for Academic Achievement

Explore/ Master

The first sentence of the case study talks to the gamified lives of GenX and beyond. It brings me to my childhood and my brother and I going through the game eras together with Board games like checkers, clue, and monopoly, and card games like Go Fish, Old Maid, 21, and I Declare War. Then the time came when we could hook the games to the television; Atari (Frogger, Donkey Kong, Pac Man), The Nintendo(s) (Super Mario World), The Sega(s) (Sonic), and The Sony Play Station(s) (Sports) were a big deal. I even remember the tv show “Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?”, while of my generation…


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