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The day of standing in front of a class, lecturing students, while they take notes are just about out the window. When I began teaching, after spending 23 years in the military, I believed that the students retained more information if they copied the notes down that I gave them. I would not allow the students to take out their phones and record the slides. I am one that love the use of technology in the classroom, but I was not allowing the students the opportunity to utilize the technology.

Children, at a young age can operate small computers (cell phones) that can fit in the palm of their hand. They can associate, their favorite learning show or cartoon with certain apps. One thing that I noticed; children become motivated to accomplish the task when technology is the reward.

Technology in Classroom:

In the article, The Critical Success Factor in Accepting Technology in the Classroom, tells us that it is at school that students can learn how to use technology to help transform information into knowledge. Many schools are equipped with different technological devices and many students enter the classroom with their own devises. Incorporating technology into the classroom helps close the access technology, as well as technological skills across racial and socio-economic groups. Incorporating tech into the classroom daily motivates students to explore the endless possibilities gaining knowledge in a shorter period of time, prepares students for the future, connects better with the students, builds a better learning environment, boost collaboration and supports learning.

Learners Engagement:

In the journal Movement and engagement in flexible, technology-enhanced classrooms, tells us that technology- enhanced classrooms are characterized by a variety of affordances designed to encourage learner engagement, such as mobile and nestable furniture, writable surfaces, and access to power, internet, and content-sharing capabilities. (2021)

Engaging students in a classroom with the use of tech has become a mainstay. Many of today’s teachers have incorporated some type of technology in their everyday lesson plan. In 2020 majority of the schools had to close the doors to in-person learning, to student’s learning on a digital platform and teachers teaching on digital platforms, such as Zoom and Google Classroom to name a couple. Because learning from a digital platform, was brand new for many students and teachers, it raised a sense of curiosity of technology will engage students with the use of technology. Epistemic curiosity refers to a desire to gain knowledge to explain the causes of gaps in one’s understanding or why something is happening the way it is (Berlyne, 1965). As an educator, we must create a since of curiosity in the classroom to incorporate the use of technology and create lessons to engage each student in their individual learning. So many teachers have already incorporated the use of different educational software in the class to heighten the learning of the students. Without the use of tech in the classroom, we are inadvertently perpetuating a growing digital divide in our society.


How can technology ignite learning in the classroom? Technology ignites learning in the classroom by piquing the interest and curiosity of the student, Due to the flexibility of having technology in the classroom, doesn’t limit the student to the classroom but it allows the student the opportunities to venture outside of the classroom. With hundreds of thousands of recourses at your fingertip shows the student and teachers the important of tech and how it ignites learning.


Robert A. Reiser; John V. Dempsey. (2018). Trends and issues in instructional design and technology (4th ed.). Pearson Education (US).

YouTube. (2019, November 24). Why is technology important in education? YouTube. Retrieved December 17, 2022, from

TEDxTalks. (2012, November 21). A different way to think about technology in education: Greg Toppo at tedxashburn. YouTube. Retrieved December 18, 2022, from

Shibboleth authentication request. (n.d.). Retrieved December 18, 2022, from

YouTube. (2022, January 28). Using technology to improve student engagement. YouTube. Retrieved December 18, 2022, from

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Greetings darrenshort,


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