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Instructional Motivation by storytelling from script to screen

Teaching Media Arts through Digital Storytelling from Adobe Education Exchange and Khan Academy

Adobe Education Exchange offers an array of digital storytelling, project based, activities for students to remain engaged in the curriculum. Adobe states that students learning becomes more engaging and meaning fun when students are given the chance to apply what they learn by creating, imagining, and expressing them selves. On the website there is an activity connected with Khan academy its called Pixar in a box. Khan Academy states “Pixar in a Box is designed to help students answer an age old question: "Why do I nee to learn this stuff?”

This tool teaches many if not all the key components that a Media Arts Curriculum should have. The tool instructs students to embark on learning and career research by doing the skills they are learning. The student learner will engage in story telling that will give them an opportunity to express themselves and their goals for their future. Student learner’s would engage in text book and vocabulary lessons through out the story telling process. As a part of the final assessment the student learner would present the topics in film making and present what they have learned from script to screen in the form of a final production video.

Perceived gap in current knowledge of the film making process

A Student learner with no prior experience in film may have a preconceived idea that making a film might be challenging with out Hollywood, a fancy camera, or a director on set yelling Action! With the learning engagement tool Pixar In A Box students will learn the story telling process by instructing the student learner to engage in story telling exercises of writing or critiquing other film stories that are relevant. The student learner would gain skills behind the three act structure in a story, development, etc. They will be able to construct a script about their life, their future aspirations, as well as make short long term goals. Student learners engage in career exploration by learning about obtainable jobs in film making by employing in a task tied positions that are involved in the film making process.

Creating content in storytelling about ones goals

In Khan Academy’s Pixar In A Box there are topics about story telling the details on expressing your memories, your favorite films, remembering your favorite stories, that lead up to a topic about character and world creating where students will create their world they see for them selves in the future. In Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology he says goals “become a source of creating feelings of relevance among students. “ (Dempsey 80) In a the Kentucky Nations project when students talked about their goals and aspirations for college they were more engaged in learning how to incorporate their future aspirations into their stories.

When learners anticipate and experience satisfying final products learned from their film production task they are motivated throughout the process

In Pixar In A Box there are lessons that focus on each step of the procession process. When a student is able to look forward to a successful final project throughout the cycle of their learning task (film production) they are motivated through the steps to reach that end goal. The 3 phases of film production allows for milestones to be met before proceeding to another phase in the learning task. That provides the opportunity to make evaluations in the process, to obtain the anticipated satisfaction throughout each stage accomplishments. The learning by doing model is very rewarding and satisfying in this learning process. Dempsey shares “ it is usually best, with regard to maintaining motivation to learn, to use feedback that is informational instead of controlling”. Offering congratulations reward or sense of accomplishment through the phases of productions would sustain more interest thought out the learning task.

Adobe Education Exchange. (n.d.). Retrieved October 17, 2021, from

Blinne, K. (2012). Making the Familiar Strange: Creative Cultural Storytelling within the Communication Classroom. Communication Teacher, 26(4), 216–219

Fatima, H. (n.d.). Multimedia Systems. Retrieved October 17, 2021, from

Khan Academy. (n.d.). Pixar in a box educator's guide (article). Khan Academy. Retrieved October 17, 2021, from

Reiser, R. A., & Dempsey, J. V. (2018). Trends and issues in Instructional Design and Technology. Pearson.

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