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Interactive CASE STUDY

Leslie Johnson

3.2 Case Study

I. Interactive Media

One learner engagement strategy such as interactive media can be found in products such as board games and computer games. Games like Monopoly and Jumpstart Preschool, a learner engagement activates games for children 3-6 years of age. Interactive media uses “the architectural practice of drawing reforming it into geographical output of modeling work, a visual register that mirrored architectural convention but was decisively shaped by extraordinary structures” (Vashakmadze,62-87), using “line-based algorithms” (Vashakmadze,62-87). Interactive media board games such as Monopoly, uses one story line, based off a set of rules and linear dynamics to create multiple outcomes. Games like, Jumpstart Preschool, that are interactive point and clicks linear but creates a connection of points and ideas with characters that follows a main timeline which can be simplified or expanded.

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II. VR & AR Applications

Another learner engagement strategy can be found in Virtual Reality (VR) or Augmented Reality (AR), sequences based more so on trial and error. For example, projection mapping imaging to buildings, using technical algorithmic points (anchored) to map and project an image to a plain white building or to a shape or an object. It also uses vision and hearing simulations to create a narrative and a scene all in one go. Similarly, 3D Green Screening techniques uses drop screening of background to object and creates depth and dimension and then later added into the background. Applications, such as Augmented Reality (AR), also uses both mapping and projecting with point and click elements. Games like, Pokémon Go, using “real time” to create and establish an outcome, “the remit of beneficial elements within nature is wide ranging in the literature, varying across individual perceptions and or interactions with stimuli from the natural world.” (Willaims, Langley & Borda, 2021). Afterwards, through adding and subtracting, then locking/opening key points or elements over a period of time, becomes as permanent as subconscious through, instinct or a natural reaction.

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Video Links:

III. Video (360 degrees)

Lastly, video elements drawn from both photography, traditional and abstract art principles and techniques can be used to create a hyperreal and crisp clear picture in camera products such as the GoPro, Canon, Nikon, & Sony, and/or editing software such as Adobe Photoshop, Premiere, etc. or editing codex that creates a crisp/clear picture. In works “by DeCarlo & Santella [D502] where eye tracking data is used to guide image abstraction based on mean shift segmentation & at different scales, 360 (fisheye) view and peripheral effects enables a gradient directed “shock filter that can be approximated by either minimum or a maximum filter that is chosen depending on the sign of an associated edge detector.’ (Kypriandis & Kang, 2010). This eventually creates an edge smoothing “sharp transitions and region boundaries to anti-alias with a small deviation as a final pass.” (Kypriandis & Kang, 2010), at different angles of the 360 camera turns.

Image 1:

Image 2:

Image 3:

Video Links:

Works Cited

Kyprianidis, J. E., & Kang, H. (2011). Image and Video Abstraction by Coherence-Enhancing Filtering. Computer Graphics Forum, 30(2), 593–602.

Tominski, C., et al. Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 36, no. 6, Sept. 2017, pp. 173–200. Art & Architecture Source, EBSCOhost,

Vashakmadze, Shota. Architectural Theory Review, vol. 24, no. 3, Dec. 2020, pp. 262–278. Art & Architecture Source, EBSCOhost,

Williams, J. L., Langley, S., & Borda, A. (2021). Virtual nature, inner forest: Prospects for

immersive virtual nature art and well-being. Virtual Creativity, 11(1), 125–146.

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