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IXL: Get fluency and confidence!

IXL is a computer program that was designed using the Common Core State Standards. It was designed to be an adaptive tool with rigorous problems which would lead to fluency (Doster & Cuevas, 2021). Based on the website there are over 300 skills for most of the grade levels provided.

Meaningfully Related to One’s Goals

According to Reiser (2018), motivation is promoted when knowledge is perceived to be meaningfully related to the learner’s goals. Furthermore, the learner’s goals may be concrete and specific or emotionally based and non-specific. IXL is a supplemental computer program where learners can set their goals and accomplish them at their own pace. If a student is struggling with a multiplication property, they can look up that skill and reinforce it with the problems provided. Relevance is a key aspect of Reiser’s (2018) second learning engagement principle, it states that relevance can be achieved by creating meaningful challenges, in this case, it would mean allowing the students to have a measure of control over their goals and steps to accomplish them (Reiser & Dempsey, 2018). Like many other interactive computer programs, IXL allows students to start wherever they want, and along with that, they can also spend as much time as they want.

Succeed in Mastering a Learning Task

According to Reiser’s (2018) third learning engagement principle, it states that motivation is promoted when learners believe they can succeed in mastering the learning task at hand. In various masters’ theses and doctoral dissertations, the impact on math achievement has been investigated (Hollands & Pan, 2018). In this study, it was reported that the average score of the diagnostic from the beginning of the year to the end did rise (Hollands & Pan, 2018). In a traditional class setting, the instructor could use this as a review of concepts or assessment. When learners are on their own, they could choose a skill they want to reinforce or better learn. These behaviors result in successful goal accomplishment which is also known as self-efficacy (Reiser & Dempsey, 2020). An aspect that is important to remember is that learners who have the belief of having control will also lead to a successful goal accomplishment.

Satisfying Outcomes

Reiser’s (2018) fourth learning engagement principle states that motivation is promoted when learners experience satisfying outcomes. Many of this comes from external and internal factors. External factors include rewards for accomplishment (Reiser & Dempsey, 2018). IXL is presented with bright, attractive colors that will engage and capture the attention of any learner. But besides the satisfying design, IXL offers certificates as a form of reward. If the learner spends enough time with high enough questions answered correctly, they will receive a certificate and a star next to the skill. An important aspect of experiencing these outcomes is feedback. The informational feedback reinforces and helps with sustaining intrinsic satisfaction (Reiser & Dempsey, 2018). In IXL, when a student answers correctly, it moves on but when the student answers incorrectly, they are provided with a review and a question answered step-by-step. Students can review this same question throughout the session of that skill.


Hollands, F. M., & Pan, Y. (2018). Evaluating Digital Math Tools in the Field. Middle Grades Review, 4(1).

Doster, H., & Cuevas, J. (2021). Comparing Computer-Based Programs’ Impact on Problem Solving Ability and Motivation. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences, 3(3), 457–488.

Reiser, R. A., & Dempsey, J. V. (2018). Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology (4th ed.). Pearson.

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