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Keeping Students and Families Engaged Through Seesaw

Seesaw is an engaging platform for student engagement, collaboration, and parental involvement. Teachers can help students create, reflect on lessons, share their work, and collaborate. Seesaw is also a place where teachers can get to know their students on a more personal level. Students “show what they know” by using multiple means of expression by using photos, videos, drawings, text, PDFs, and links. Students are able to work and share with this work family, teachers, and peers. Nothing can be posted and shared without teacher approval which makes Seesaw a safe way to engage and interact.

Getting to Know Students

Student/teacher relationships need to be built on a solid foundation. Before we even begin to teach anything in the classroom, we need to get to know our students. Seesaw makes a way for this to happen successfully. When forming relationships with students, teachers need to take into consideration the different learning styles of students. This information must come directly from students because it is they who know what their feelings are. "Learners have the opportunity to express their different feelings towards aspects of learning, their personal needs, and their passions." (Macgougan, 2018) With Seesaw, multiple activities can be created to further comprehend our students. These can be sent to all the students in your classroom as an assignment. Some of these assignments are pre-made, others you can create on your own, depending on how specific you want it to be. Activities that involve learning about students can involve content-specific activities such as reader self-portraits where students create colorful drawings based on their reading preferences, all the way up to learning about your students on a personal level through interest inventories.

Parental Involvement and Communication

Parental involvement is essential for a successful classroom and academic achievement. When parents are engaged, students become more engaged as a result. "The academic achievement of students in schools is subject to a variety of factors, many of which are beyond the control of the student. Factors such as parental involvement, parental level of education, and disability all influence the academic achievement and learning of students." (Miranda, 2019) When parents can be aware of whats going on in the classroom, students will work towards the goals to receive maximum success. Parents need to be involved. With Seesaw, families can see what is going on in the classroom. They can be aware of what students have learned based on the expression of students through Seesaw. When students post something new to Seesaw, families can be notified through app notification, email, or text messages. Parents are only notified about their own child’s work, and all data is safe and secure. As mentioned previously, content is not posted until approved by the teacher.

Multiple means of expression

Most people may already know that students learn through multiple means of representation. We must also be aware that students should be able to express themselves through multiple means of expression. Seesaw makes students expressing themselves both engaging and effective. As previously mentioned, students “show what they know” by using multiple means of expression by using photos, videos, drawings, text, PDFs, and links. They can even record themselves explaining their thoughts, opinions, and what they've learned and, post it as well. "The goal of multiple means of action and expression is to create students who are strategic and goal-oriented by providing options for physical action, expression and communication, and executive functions." (Boothe, 2020) Allowing students to dig deep into their creative side to "show what they know", will result in better engagement and eagerness to learn something new. By doing this, they will feel that they have some control when it comes to their learning. Instead of feeling lost when meeting the expectation, they will know what the expectations are and be able to reach them because they were able to express themselves in a way that is suitable for them. As teachers, we have to consider the uniqueness of each student; Seesaw makes this possible.

Learning Product Example: Reader Self-Portrait


Seesaw is a platform that has many positive benefits for students. These benefits can range from getting to know your students, all the way up to assess what they know. As mentioned previously, it also allows family involvement which leads to gratifying results and having students feel proud of their work. When teaching students, we must hear their voices. Students need to make connections. Seesaw is a wonderful platform where all of these essentials can begin. Again, student voices need to be heard- Seesaw takes this into account.


Boothe, K.A. (2020). Enhancing Student Learning in the Online Instructional Environment Through the Use of Universal Design for Learning. Retrieved from

Macgougan, H. (2018). Getting to Know your Students LESSONS (WORTH LEARNING) TO ESTABLISH RELATIONSHIPS. Retrieved from

Miranda, A. (2019). The Impact of Parental Involvement and Education on Academic Achievement in Elementary School. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education. (v8 n3 p476-483). Retrieved from

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