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Khan Academy: Make math a little less terrible

Khan Academy. (2021). Retrieved from:

Building Curious Learners: Learning can be a complex process when the information is not presented to the learner in the correct manner. Learners have different learning habits, strategies, different levels of knowledge or skill, different levels of motivation, and different personality traits (Gurpinar, Kulac, Tetik, Akdogan & Mamakli, 2013). Since each learner is unique, it is imperative that they are appropriately equipped with the tools to succeed. The platform Khan Academy (KA) is an excellent tool used by my educators across the globe to teach students mathematics. Khan Academy has gained such traction because of its ability to build curiosity within its users. Khan Academy provides thousands of videos on math topics varying from primary to high-level math; it also provides modules and practice problems for each of these topics. Furthermore, it allows the learner to take initiative in their own learning by skipping through familiar topics and spending more time on topics that they struggle with. KA motivates, differentiates, and individualizes the learning process for users to gain curiosity in their educational journey.

Khan Academy. (2021). Retrieved from:

Goal Oriented: Goal Setting involves the establishment of an aim or desire that increases action to achieve that aim or desire (Lock & Latham, 2006). In addition, setting goals has been shown to increase self-determination skills, improve mental health, and decrease anxiety, depression, and stress among adolescents (S. Lee, 2009). Goal setting is an imperative step students must take during the learning process. Setting goals provides the learner with a clear path on what objectives need to be completed in order to achieve that goal. Without goals, learners are often lost, confused, or have little drive towards success. KA allows the learner to set their own goals and focus on their individual needs. When students are forced to work on tasks they have already mastered, they lose interest and motivation. Khan Academy allows the user to handpick the lessons and modules they want to work on to ensure that their work and efforts are relevant and assist them in achieving their learning goal. Lastly, while practicing these topics, the user can earn awards and badges, which serve as recognition to motivate the learner further and keep them enticed along their journey.

Retrieved from: Khan Academy. (2012, February 16). Newton, Leibniz, and Usain Bolt | Derivatives introduction | AP Calculus AB | Khan Academy

I Think I Can, I Think I Can: Khan Academy does an excellent job of building the user's confidence. Confidence is one of the most essential attributes of being a successful learner. When people do not have positive expectancies for success or when they have been unable to avoid failures and catastrophes over which they have no control, they can develop feelings of helplessness (Keller & Markus, p. 81). KA’s strengths are its unique ability to provide individualized self-paced instruction and feedback to the learners (Cargile & Harkness, 2015). The feedback and individualized instruction allow the user to build confidence while practicing. Furthermore, the practice modules have proper checks and balances to assist users in their needs. For example, you can click a “hint” button while working through problems that will break the question down step by step with a detailed explanation. Users can then use the example that was solved to assist in solving additional practice problems on their own once they have gained the confidence to do so.


Cargile, L., & Harkness, S. (2015). Flip or flop: Are math teachers using Khan Academy as

envisioned by Sal Khan? TechTrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning,

59(6), 21–28.

Gurpinar, E., Kulac, E., Tetik, C., Akdogan, I., & Mamakli, S. (2013). Do learning

approaches of medical students affect their satisfaction with problem-based

learning? Advances in Physiology Education, 37(1), 85-88.

Lee, S., Palmer, S.B., & Wehmeyer, M.L (2009). Goal setting and self-monitoring for

students with disabilities: Practical tips and teachers. Intervention in School and

Clinic, 44(3)139-145.

Locke, E. A., Lathman, G. P. (2006). New directions in goal-setting theory. Current

Directions in Psychological Sciences, 15(5), 265-268.

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