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Writer's pictureSue Ly

labster anywhere

Updated: Sep 16, 2020

Labster. (2020, July 7). Labster Chemistry Virtual Labs [Video]. Youtube:


Teaching students in an unpredictable environment such as a lab setting has always been tricky, especially online. Founded in 2012, Labster was designed to offer a revolutionary virtual science lab experience for students (Labster, 2020). Labster provides students with unique access to a fully interactive state-of-the-art virtual lab (Labster, 2020). Labster is “based on mathematical algorithms supporting open-ended investigations and are combined with gamification elements such as an immersive 3D universe, storytelling, and a scoring system which stimulates students’ natural curiosity and highlights the connection between science and real-world issues” (Labster, n.d., para. 2). Labster’s founder, Michael Bodekaer, claims studies have shown traditional science education to be “boring, ineffective and expensive” (TED, 2016). Bodekaer used the data behind the effectiveness of flight simulators as a base of inspiration to develop a simulated lab for students to begin their learning before transitioning to a real-world lab (TED, 2016). Bodekaer claims that studies have shown up to a seventy-six percent increase in academic performance in students who used Labster when compared to traditional teaching. When it is used to reinforce traditional teaching techniques, the studies have shown a one hundred and one percent increase in learning effectiveness over traditional teaching techniques by themselves (TED, 2016). Labster can motivate students to learn through curiosity, gamification, and authentic learning.

Labster. (2015, February 18). Labster Virtual Lab: Introductory Simulation [Video]. Youtube:


Labster is designed to pique students’ curiosity. Keller and Deimann (2018) identify curiosity as one of the five principles to increase student motivation. The importance of curiosity is reinforced by Schlechty’s (2002) research on student engagement that identifies purpose, creativity, and curiosity as the factors for making learning intrinsically motivating. Labster’s virtual laboratory allows students to explore their curiosity in a safe real-world simulation. Being fully immersive, Labster actively engages students through their epistemic and perceptual curiosity. An example of safely exploring curiosity in Labster is that students can see what will happen if they do not follow proper safety procedures (Coleman & Smith, 2019). One example is if the student’s character gets acid in their eyes, and the simulator warns that they must figure out what to do quickly just like they would have to do in real life (Lab safety training with virtual labs, n.d.). Labster claims that they support open-ended investigations, an immersive virtual world, narrative storytelling, and a built-in scoring system, which all “stimulate students’ natural curiosity” (Labster, 2020, para. 1). The use of curiosity is one of the main reasons Labster can combat boredom. Boredom results from, “being in an environment that is filled with uniform, unchanging stimuli” (Keller & Deimann, 2018, p. 80). The simulations, stories, and games provide students with a variety of stimuli and engaging learning. Labster increases student engagement and motivation by applying Schlechty’s (2002) and Keller and Deimann’s (2018) theories of using curiosity to increase motivation.

(n.d.). Introductory lab instructions[image].


Labster’s creators saw the importance of gamification, so they brought in game designers to ensure that the learning was fun and engaging (TED, 2016). Van Eck, Shute, and Rieber (2018) argue that games are engaging when they trigger the phenomenon of play and are aligned with the instructional outcomes. Research found that Labster can increase student motivation and self-efficacy (Bonde et al., 2014). An example of gamified learning is Labster’s CSI module, where students apply core scientific skills to solve a murder. Students have access to the crime scene, evidence, and laboratory to figure out who the murderer is (TED, 2016). For a game to be immersive and promote problem-solving, Van Eck, Shute, and Rieber (2018) identified three theories that a game should follow. The game should be based on situated cognition, authentic to the situation, and require the student to use problem-solving strategies (Van Eck et al., 2018). Labster addresses the situated cognition by basing the simulations on real-world laboratories and problems, and in many cases providing students with access to better equipment than they would have in the real world. It ensures authenticity by having simulations and gamification based on mathematics and scientific research (Labster, 2020). It addresses the final theory by providing multiple problems to solve within the project-based learning structure of the lab simulations. With gamification, students who use Labster have seen an increase in motivation and engagement, as well as academic achievement in learning outcomes (Bonde et al., 2014).

Labster. (2014, November 12). CSI Lab [Video]. Youtube:

Authentic Learning

Labster provides students with realistic simulations of real-world learning tasks. In the lab study on salmonella, students conduct research experiments safely in the virtual laboratory (TED, 2016). Research shows Labster’s lab simulations help students connect learned theory with practical application as well as practice proper laboratory equipment techniques (De Vries & May, 2019). To ensure authenticity, Labster collaborated with MIT to provide cutting edge cancer research (TED, 2016). Michael Bodekaer describes that Labster provides authentic learning for students by giving them the ability to “perform experiments with mathematical equations that would simulate what would happen in a real-world lab” (TED, 2016). Herrington and Reeves (2018) claim that “simulations and scenario-infused learning environments can effectively be presented as realistic contexts for the investigation of complex problems through authentic tasks” (p. 297). Labster claims that their simulations “highlight the connection between science and real-world issues” (Labster, n.d., para. 2). These authentic tasks “enhance graduates’ employability skills (e.g., adaptability, problem-solving, and collaboration) through training skills using up-to-date authentic learning approaches and practice-based learning” (Frøland et al., 2020, para. 39). Herrington and Reeves (2018) state that “Authentic tasks should have real-world relevance. The learning tasks set for learners should match as nearly as possible the real-world tasks of professionals in practice, rather than decontextualized or academic tasks” (p. 296). By working with educational designers and professionals in the field, Labster can ensure that the learning tasks in the virtual simulations are as authentic as their real-world counterparts.


Even though Labster was originally designed for universities, they have expanded their curriculum and simulations to include various high school courses (Labster, 2020). It offers curriculum for high school biology, chemistry, and physics. Aligning their simulations to high school curriculum makes it easy for high schools to integrate Labster into their program. Using Labster would provide high schools more opportunities and resources for their students. The benefits of using Labster can be seen in the increases in student engagement and academic performance. The main drawback of Labster is the financial cost. It will be interesting to see how Labster might expand their services to other subjects such as photography. Many of the same lab techniques can be used when trying to teach darkroom photography. Another subject they could try to do would be a recording studio. Despite the financial drawback, the results speak for themselves and show that Labster is a worthwhile investment for any school district.


In conclusion, the virtual laboratory simulation program, Labster, is a highly effective tool for increasing student engagement, motivation, and educational performance. At the TEDxCern conference, Labster founder, Michael Bodekaer states that the world is facing great challenges, and it will be up to the next generation of young scientist (TED, 2016). To ensure that these young scientists are prepared, Labster uses educational designers, game designers, and industry professionals to create authentic simulations grounded in mathematics and science. The game designers are essential to Labster to ensure that the learning continues to be fun with engaging stories. Labster uses discovery, exploration, and experimentation to pique students’ curiosity. Labster’s dedication to student success and learning will only lead to better graphics, stories, and interactive features. Labster is at the forefront of where education is heading. The combination of curiosity, gamification, and authentic learning tasks helps increase motivation, engagement, volition, and academic performance.



Bonde, M. T., Makransky, G., Wandall, J., Larsen, M. V., Morsing, M., Jarmer, H., & Sommer, M. O. (2014, July). Improving biotech education through gamified laboratory simulations. Nature Biotechnology, 32(7), 694-697.

Coleman, S. K., & Smith, C. L. (2019, October 10). Evaluating the benefits of virtual training for bioscience students. Higher Education Pedagogies, 4(1), 287-299. doi:10.1080/23752696.2019.1599689

De Vries, L., & May, M. (2019, May). Virtual laboratory simulation in the education of laboratory technicians-motivation and study intensity. Biochemistry and molecular biology education : a bimonthly publication of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 47(3), 257-262. doi:

Frøland, T., Heldal, I., Sjøholt, G., & Ersvær, E. (2020, April 5). Games on mobiles via web or virtual reality technologies: How to support learning for biomedical laboratory science education. Information, 11(4), 195.

Herrington, J. & Reeves, T.C. (2018). Keep it real: The benefits of authentic tasks in contemporary learning environments. In R.A. Reiser, & J.V Dempsey (Eds.), Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology (4th ed.) (pp. 296-302). New York, NY: Pearson

Keller, J.M. & Deimann, M. (2018). Motivation, volition, and performance. In R.A. Reiser, & J.V Dempsey (Eds.), Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology (4th ed.) (pp. 78-86). New York, NY: Pearson

Lab safety training with virtual labs. (n.d.). Retrieved from Labster:

Labster. (n.d.). About [Linkedin Page]. Linkedin:

Labster. (2020). About. Labster:

Schlechty, P. C. (2002). Working on the work: An action plan for teachers, principals, and superintendents (1st ed.). San Fransisco, USA: Jossey-Bass.

TED. (2016, June 1). This virtual lab will revolutionize science class | Michael Bodekaer [Video]. Youtube:

Van Eck, R., Shute, V.J., and Rieber L. (2018). Leveling up: Game design research and practice for Instructional Design. In R.A. Reiser, & J.V Dempsey (Eds.), Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology (4th ed.) (pp. 277-285). New York, NY: Pearson

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Russ Staggs
Russ Staggs
08. lokak. 2020

Curiosity and Scaffolding

We are born with a need to explore the world around us (Carlton and Winsler, 1998). As we grow, our intrinsic motivation is steadily replaced by extrinsic motivation (Carlton and Winsler, 1998; Keller and Deimann, 2018). Our exploratory nature is inevitably diminished by the time we reach grade school. It is left to our caregivers and educators to rekindle that intrinsic motivation and curiosity. Michael Bodekaer, founder of Labster, a Virtual Chemistry Lab, has created an ideal digital environment for stoking the fires of curiosity (Ly, 2020). The algorithms used to create Labster support open-ended investigations into various chemistry principles. Students learn chemistry in a judgement free, safe environment by engaging in story-driven, game-centered activities with multiple…


Vencott R. Palmer
Vencott R. Palmer
20. syysk. 2020

I was excited to read this idea of using Labster for teaching science content. Authentic learning has become an essential part of learning in non-traditional schools like the one where I teach. Reiser and Dempsey (2018) assert that well designed tasks create situations where students can think like a professional faced with complex problems that require reflection and decisions on how to act or behave. It is my experience that when content is embedded into authentic learning experiences like real world projects, students feel less like students and more like young apprentices. Thereby transforming the learning activity into an internship.

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Sylvia Odoms
Sylvia Odoms
20. syysk. 2020

While reading your blog, I could not help but wonder whether the owners and developers of Labster are planning to expand their 3D virtual environment beyond science and engineering education. Any virtual environment that simulates real-world learning and enables learners to access more resources and educational equipment anywhere and anytime is a welcome resource for all educators nowadays. In the educational environment, availability of resources depends on the size of the educational budget which may not be enough to purchase all the resources required for science labs. Labster has developed a virtual science platform that provides virtual science education via the use of recall-based learning, visual learning, active learning, 3D animation, gamification, and storytelling. (IRELAND, 2017) These increase learner engagement…

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