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Making the Case for Applied Learning as a Learning Engagement Strategy USING CK12

INTRODUCTION: WHAT IS APPLIED LEARNING? Applied learning is a learning engagement strategy in which skills and knowledge are taught in the real-world context of actual-life instances, where learners apply what they've learned by doing it. It is a style of education that contextualizes learning and helps students master essential skills and knowledge. The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) defined Integrative and Applied Learning as "an understanding and a disposition that a student builds across the curriculum and co-curriculum, from making simple connections among ideas and experiences to synthesizing and transferring learning to new, complex situations within and beyond the campus" (2018, p. 3) Applied Learning is a Learning by Doing approach to teaching knowledge and skills. Learning by doing (LBD) is all about turning current trends towards self-directed, experiential learning into an advantage for educational purposes. Learners who learn with applied learning strategies are more likely to apply what they know right away, or at least within a reasonable time frame. And Applied Learning can be used to keep learners engaged in the lesson.

IMPLICATIONS OF APPLIED LEARNING There are many implications that the current and previous research has made regarding LBD and, more specifically, Applied Learning. Participation in Applied Learning experiences in higher education has been linked to improved student learning and college performance, the development of students' leadership abilities, critical thinking skills, and problem-solving abilities. (Trolian & Jach, 2019) Another research team has similar findings. "While traditional approaches to learning remain well ingrained within the academy, applied learning experiences have been shown to be associated with improved student learning and college outcomes in higher education"(Ovenden-hope & Blandford, 2018, p. 17) Trolian and Jach suggest, "As academic motivation tends to decline during college, applied learning approaches may help to improve students' motivation. Institutions of higher education should consider methods and strategies for developing and implementing applied learning experiences both in the classroom and in students' out-of-class experiences." (Trolian & Jach, 2019, Abstract section) The research regarding applied learning efficacy reveals staggering results in both elementary and secondary school education. In a study of 52 middle school students where a type of Applied Learning was used in STEM, the following supportive findings indicated the students: (1) learned basic concepts, as well as students who studied them directly from the textbook, (2), achieved as much general concept mastery as students who studied in a textbook, dominated way, (3) applied science concepts in new situations better than students who studied science more traditionally, (4) developed more positive attitudes about science, (5) exhibited creativity skills that were more individual and occurred more often, and (6) learned and used science at home and in the community more than students in the typical textbook dominated section. Further, the approach coincided well with the kind of teaching across the curriculum that is (recommended as) central to teaching in middle schools. (Yager et al., 2006, Findings section)(Yager & Akcay, 2008)

FORMS OF APPLIED LEARNING The Learning by Doing philosophy allows students to immerse themselves directly in experiences where they actually engage their mind with the topic at hand, not simply stand outside looking through an observation window. Learning By Doing actively encourages learners to think critically about what they're being taught. Jach and Trolian define three significant forms of Applied Learning: Curricular applied learning - Curricular applied learning includes cooperative and team‐based learning, problem‐based learning, inquiry‐based learning, study abroad, applied civic learning, capstone or senior experiences, and independent study Cocurricular applied learning - Cocurricular learning includes service or community‐based learning, co-curricular involvement, leadership experiences, and peer learning. Career applied learning - Career applied learning includes internships, practicums, and co‐ops; student employment; student teaching, clinical placement, and apprenticeships; undergraduate research or creative work with a faculty member; and entrepreneurship or innovation experiences (2019)

GUIDING PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED LEARNING These primary forms of Applied Learning describe the form Applied learning takes, but eight strategies have come to be known as the eight guiding principles of Applied Learning that will help drive efficacy with the strategy. While introduced by the Victorian Qualifications Authority, Marcus Wynwood from MarcusTeachus calls them a “Framework” (n.d., 4:03 section) and restates them this way: 1. Start where the learners are at 2. Negotiate and customize the curriculum 3. Share and impart knowledge 4. Connect with communities and real-life experiences 5. Build resilience, confidence, and self-worth 6. Integrate learning across subjects 7. Provide mentors and guide learners 8. Celebrate the journey CK12 - AN APPLIED LEARNING PLATFORM In 1998, I was invited to review a technology and learning concept in its beta stages. It would ultimately revolutionize the Applied Learning paradigm. With the introduction of its free innovative ecosystem and reality-based, customizable, digital textbooks with interactive content (Flexbooks), Applied Learning was introduced to the mainstream educational community. The nonprofit organization - CK12 Foundation introduced the concept of free textbooks promising to make them according to every state's standards over a short period. By 2007, CK12 had a redesigned, robust online platform that allowed educators, homeschooling parents, and learning coaching to create, co-create, and customize Flexbooks for all grades (including higher education) as long as they agreed to the Creative Commons licensing rules. The CK12 Foundation had officially launched an educational platform and social network of sorts, whose main objective was to provide the optimal Applied Learning Opensource platform for STEM Education on the web. Within five years, CK12 had grown its community of practice. Through the well-designed back office, clear sharing policies, educators across the globe had assisted in co-creating Flexbooks for STEM, Social Science, Literature, Phonics, and more. Within a few years, every state’s standards were incorporated, and robust analytics tools were added that would make CK12 a force to be reckoned with.


Let's take a look at CK12 and see how it stacks up against the eight guiding principles for Applied Learning. The main product lineup for the CK12 portal are FlexBooks, Adaptive Practice, Smart Gradebook, Plix, Simulations, Study Guides, and LMS Integration.

Start where the learners are at CK12 uses Adaptive Practice to help identify where learners are in a skill set. It is also fully customizable to ensure that learners are not plunged into a task for which they are not prepared.

Negotiate learning (customize the curriculum)

CK12’s ecosystem is completely customizable and brandable. Lesson planning is easily adaptable by student goals, objectives, grade level, common core, state standard, and specific skills. It is easy to deploy. It works as a standalone platform or inside of an LMS like Canvas or Schoology. It provides real-time metrics that allow daily customization if necessary. The FlexBooks are easily customized or personalized and saved in the CK12 cloud. You can add video, images, text, hyperlinks, and more.

Share and impart knowledge CK12 is a teaching platform. It will allow the students to access their FlexBooks, Adaptive Practice, and other activities independently, but it can also be used through an LMS or in a live classroom environment in place of textbooks or in concert with them.

Connect with communities and real-life experiences CK12 ability to connect with communities and real-life experiences are seamless. Its FlexBooks, Adaptive Practice, and Simulations are Reality-Based. Additionally, it has an entire LBD modality called PLIX. PLIX is an acronym for Play, Learn, Interact, eXplore. Through PLIX, learners can play with the ideas in a concept. With over 1,100 PLIX, the activities can be filtered by subject, keyword, concept, or standard.

Build resilience, confidence, and self-worth CK12 does this through its Adaptive Practice, Quizzes, and PLIX activities. Although the platform is designed with Mastery Learning philosophy, CK12’s approach to each learning activity is steeped in encouragement and praise. For example, if a student misses a concept, they are invited to try again. If they are unsuccessful, they are guided to the next one. The system will then put the missed concept in the queue to be reintroduced later. The platform also has a digital tutor that sits on the screen, waiting for students or teachers to ask questions. He provides hints resources and will even reteach a concept if the learner is stuck. The dashboard also provides real-time feedback for the learner to track their progress. And remember, Adaptive practice is always available if the learner needs to brush up or strengthen their abilities.

Integrate learning across subjects CK12 gives educators the option to include any FlexBook or lesson from a FlexBook into a lesson plan. In this way, it makes it simple to have cross-curricular activities. Ck12 can also be integrated into many Learning Management Systems, and the implications here are endless.

Provide mentors and guide learners As mentioned before, CK12 has a digital tutor that acts as a mentor and encourager, reminding learners of concepts they have already learned and guiding learners to successful outcomes. Additionally there is a digital teaching assistant.

Celebrate the journey Because CK12 is a gamified platform, every online modality and activity in Adaptive Practice or Practice mediums embedded in the FlexBooks are celebrated with badges, certificates, and of course, the immediate feedback inside the dashboard.

CONCLUSION Learning by doing is an ideal way to create engaging lessons that will help your students retain new knowledge and skills they can use in real life. In addition, the Applied Learning approach of LBD has tremendous implications for both learners at every level. And if your goal is to have an all-inclusive platform that truly educates in a way that drives learner engagement and improves outcomes, then the CK12 platform is an excellent way to go. So, what are you waiting for? Why don’t you take it for a spin? You can sign up for a free test drive and get free training on the platform here: .


Association of American Colleges & Universities. (2018). Integrative and applied learning VALUE rubric.

CK12 Foundattion. (n.d.). HOME. CK12 - The Smarter Way to Learn. Retrieved 2022, from Https://

Hong, J.-S., & Jang, H. (2020). Action research on development and application of learning program based on ’design thinking’ for elementary school students : Focusing on the design thinking process. Korean Education Inquiry, 38(1), 1–31.

MarcusTeachUs. (n.d.). "An Overview of Applied Learning" presentation by Marcus Wynwood. [Video]. YouTube.

Ovenden-hope, T., & Blandford, S. (2018). Understanding applied learning: Developing effective practice to support all learners (1st ed.). Routledge.

Trolian, T. L., & Jach, E. A. (2019). Applied learning in higher education: Conclusions and recommendations for institutional leadership. New Directions for Higher Education, 2019(188), 101–106.

Yager, R. E., & Akcay, H. (2008). Comparison of student learning outcomes in middle school science classes with an sts approach and a typical textbook dominated approach. RMLE Online, 31(7), 1–16.

Yager, S. O., Yager, R. E., & Lim, G. (2006). The advantages of an sts approach over a typical textbook dominated approach in middle school science. School Science and Mathematics, 106(5), 248–260.

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