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Mindtickle - The number one Sales readiness Platform

Mindtickle serves as a Learning Management Platform specializing in helping organizations drive performance in their Sales Organization.

With Mindtickle, sales reps become fully prepared for every interaction, every opportunity, and obstacle in the field. (MindTickle. (n.d.). Mindtickle. )

Most major corporations have departments that sell products that help them reach their bottom line every year. MindTickle provides organizations a place to build custom training pieces based on the goals they need their sales organizations to meet.

Motivation to learn is promoted when a learner's curiosity is aroused due to a perceived gap in current knowledge.

Epistemic curiosity refers to a desire to gain knowledge to explain the causes of gaps in one's understanding of why something is happening the way it is (Reiser, 20170118, p. 80) Mind Tickle takes away the one and done training that Sales organizations provide their employees with their Sales Readiness Platform. The platform consists of different tools to spark the user's curiosity, such as Sales Content Management which provides organizations a space to provide content.

When selling out in the field to customers, sales employees can access information on the fly, whether by laptop or phone. Mindtickle provides areas to house Marketing Collateral, Pricing information, or even Services that the organization has. Organizations can save time and money so that their employees can answer the customer's questions and potentially close the deal right on the spot.

Motivation to learn is promoted when the knowledge to be learned is perceived to be meaningfully related to one's goals.

Goals can also be non-specific and even emotionally based, as in wanting to feel good about oneself, having opportunities to enjoy friendly interactions with other people, or being successfully engaged in challenging activities. (Reiser, 20170118, p. 80)

Within the sales department, hitting the goal provided is critical; not only are incentives given for hitting the goal, but in certain circumstances, employees' jobs are on the line if they are not meeting their metrics. From experience, knowing how to hit the goal or hitting the target is based on having realistic training that provides the information needed to get the customer to purchase the product successfully. With Mindtickle, they have Artificial Intelligence that gives sales employees a chance to do role play and understand how to sell the organization's products. In addition they provide sales leaders with the ability to listen in on the conversations their sales employees have to help them meet their goals. They can pull sales themes, look at behaviors, provide individualized coaching, and identify risks before the employee has them to alleviate the sale potentially not being closed.

Motivation to learn is promoted when learners anticipate and experience satisfying outcomes to a learning task.

Providing feedback is essential to making any employee successful. When providing feedback, it is crucial to provide accurate information and information that an employee can use to meet their goals in an uncomplicated way. The use of feedback reinforces a student for completing an optimally challenging task by including a congratulatory comment and an internal attribution for success helps sustain intrinsic satisfaction (Brophy, 1981) (Reiser, 20170118, p. 81).

Mindtickle gives sales leaders the data to provide feedback based on their actual calls with customers versus the data provided from their sales to customers. The Sales Index within the software assists with creating benchmarks for the employees. It puts personalized programs for employees, teams, and regions to assist with their performance.


Mindtickle is an excellent LMS tool that provides organizations with the ability to identify the gaps in sales performance. It also gives practical tools to sales employees to make them successful. This software removes stale sales training, binders, and other unuseful things that do not lead to sales goals.

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