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Smart Sparrow: Creating Personalized Education


As instructional strategies continue to evolve with new technologies, it’s important to meet the needs of the students. Often educators use an instructional approach based on experience or the influence of other educators (Duren, 2021). As advancement in technologies present new opportunities for instruction, creating individual learning paths will cause students to learn more effectively (Liu, 2017). Adaptive learning uses computer technology, such as software or artificial intelligence, to adapt to learner actions in order to maximize learning outcomes (Duren, 2021). One of the major goals of adaptive learning is real-time customization. The lessons and delivery can be tailored to the individual students based on user interaction. With adaptive learning, the learning experience can be changed dynamically based on the interactions and input by the learner (Liu, 2017).

Several technologies exist to incorporate adaptive learning into an instructor’s lessons. One such example is Smart Sparrow. Oregon State University’s e-campus teamed up with Smart Sparrow to create online learning experiences in place of in-person labs (OSU, 2017). Students are able to participate in laboratory simulations and practice lab techniques in a risk-free environment. Smart sparrow is a software company that assist instructors in creating interactive quizzes, visualizations, and other material for digital presentations (Blumenstyk, 2016). With the software, instructors are able to add adaptive feedback which can be hints or additional material based on the learner’s interaction. Smart sparrow allows interactivity into assignments. As the learner inputs their answers, different feedback can be provided based on the student response. A student can be given feedback to refine their response or, additional task or questions can also be assigned based on the student’s answers (Farmer, 2020).

I feel the need…the need to succeed

Often times students that need additional help on a subject or topic receive extra tutoring. Tutoring can be used to help a learner understand a difficult concept. Whether by a peer or instructor, the tutor will often offer hints and advice to verbal and nonverbal cues from the learner, shifting the lesson to accommodate questions and confusion (Smart Sparrow, 2021). Tutoring is an example of adaptive learning. The tutor responds to the needs of the student and adapts the experience accordingly. Adaptive learning technology like smart sparrow, intends to support educators. Software can use algorithmic adaptivity to adapt to what the learner knows and what the learner should experience next (Smart Sparrow, 2021).

As the lesson dynamically adapts to the learner, the learner is motivated with the belief of mastery. They believe that they can master a particular topic or subject with engaging and informative feedback (Reiser, 2018, p. 81). In smart sparrow, the feedback is not only informative, but it can also help reintroduce concepts that the learner needs a better understanding of. Specific content can be presented just for that learner. Students that do well on a particular question or assignment can bypass the additional content. Feedback can be more than just a few words on why a student got a question wrong, or encouragement when they get it correct. It can help motivate them by showing them why, or allowing them to move through lessons they may not need reinforced.


Curiosity killed the boredom

Learning management systems gave educators the opportunity to deliver content anytime and anywhere. The early adoption of an LMS was appealing allowing students to access and contribute to course content from anywhere. However, the appeal of online access has become stagnant and delivers a one-size-fits-all experience that doesn’t meet the needs of a generation that grew up with smartphones (Ben-Naim, 2021). Not only does smart sparrow use adaptive learning to offer a unique experience personalized for the learner, but if also offers richer and more engaging lessons.

Smart courses used in smart sparrow utilize engaging multimedia presentations and design to keep learner’s attention engaged. Boredom can result from being in an environment with unchanging stimuli (Reiser, 2018, p. 80). This boredom, can lead to poor learning engagement. A student will be more motivated to learn if they believe they have a gap in their current knowledge (Reiser, 2018, p. 81). By incorporating adaptive learning principles with rich and engaging presentations, smart sparrow ensures that learners are never bored.



Establishing goals is essential to any learning task. Instructors often incorporate learning outcomes into their lessons. How do these outcomes align with a student’s goals? Learners can have many different goals. Goals can be as specific as wanting to earn a good grade in a class, or as non-specific and emotionally based as wanting to feel good about their accomplishments (Reiser, 2018, p. 79). Goals will be important for any course design since a student will be more motivated to learn if they feel that the knowledge they gain will be related to their goal (Reiser, 2018, p. 81). Since goals can be varied because students will have their own specific goals, it’s important that the content also adapt to the learners to help meet their goals.

Smart sparrow adapts to each learner and their needs. This can have a profound effect on the student meeting their own target goals. This can be plainly stated in the introduction to a lesson. A survey question can be used asking for the student to pick their specific goal they would like to gain from that lesson. Then specific content can be presented to learners based on whatever goal they chose. The content can be adapted based on the selected choices of the student. This adaptive approach provides the learner with the confidence that they are in control of their learning outcomes. This is a different approach to the educator establishing from the start what each student’s learning outcomes are.



Today’s students are used to the engaging and personal experiences of technologies such as Facebook, Netflix, and online gaming. These user interfaces adapt to the user. Education should be no different. Teach to the student, not to the class (Smart Sparrow, 2021). This is easier than ever before with new technologies and online learning. Lessons, outcomes, and material should not only be interactive and engaging, but they should also be different for every learner.

"Teach to the student, not to the class"



Ben-Naim, Dror: CEO Blog: Inspiring the Next Wave in Digital Learning. (2021). Retrieved 20 June 2021, from

Blumenstyk, G. (2016, April 15). Dror Ben-Naim Puts Digital Power in Professors’ Hands. Chronicle of Higher Education, 62(31), B16.

Duren, D., Layne, T. E., Bray, N., & Irwin, C. C. (2021). Adapting: A Study of Implementing Adaptive Personalized Instruction, Innovation, and Technology From an Instructor’s Perspective. Physical Educator, 78(2), 11–30.

Farmer, E. C., Catalano, A. J., & Halpern, A. J. (2020). Exploring Student Preference between Textbook Chapters and Adaptive Learning Lessons in an Introductory Environmental Geology Course. TechTrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning, 64(1), 150–157.

Liu, M., McKelroy, E., Corliss, S., & Carrigan, J. (2017). Investigating the effect of an adaptive learning intervention on students’ learning. Educational Technology Research & Development, 65(6), 1605–1625.

OSU Ecampus to enhance online chemistry lab courses with adaptive learning - Oregon State Ecampus News. (2017). Retrieved 20 June 2021, from

Reiser, R. A., Dempsey, J. V. (2018). Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology (Subscription), 4th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf 9.4.3]. Retrieved from vbk://9780134237039

Smart Sparrow: What is Adaptive Learning?. (2021). Retrieved 20 June 2021, from

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