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"Take the Reins: How Self-Directed Learning Fuels Engagement"

Engaging in Practical Learning


The approach of learning by doing highlights the significance of hands on experience. In her TED Talk Trish Millines Dzikos emphasizes that students excel when actively participating in the learning process than just being fed information. This educational strategy encourages student involvement through experimentation and creation rather than simply following instructions or observing demonstrations.


Various studies have emphasized the importance of hands on experience, in enhancing learning. Research suggests that students engaged in activities exhibit retention, and recall abilities compared to those using passive learning techniques (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 2000). This is because hands on experiences allow students to construct their knowledge of solely relying on external sources of information.


The educational approach capitalizes on this principle by providing students with opportunities for hands on construction and experimentation. For example as shown in the video demonstration students are seen building and testing their prototypes using materials and tools to bring their ideas to life. Through this hands on engagement students can fully immerse themselves in the learning process understanding concepts effectively, rather than just passively receiving knowledge.


By integrating learning the educational method embodies the concept of learning through doing."

Research supports the idea that hands on learning enhances students understanding and memory retention.


Self Guided Learning


Another aspect of learning by doing is the importance of self directed learning. Trish Millines Dzikos TED Talk highlights that students learn best when they have control over their learning process. This is evident in how the educational tool allows students to advance at their pace and explore their interests.


Studies have shown that self directed learning plays a role in education and research indicates that students who take charge of their learning demonstrate levels of motivation and engagement compared to those who simply follow instructions (Deci & Ryan 2000). This is because self directed learning empowers students to pursue their passions and work at a pace that suits them instead of being dictated by factors.


The educational tool leverages this concept by giving students the freedom to shape their journey. For example the video demonstrates students engaging in projects following their ideas and interests. Self directed learning enables students to drive their progress instead of just adhering to set guidelines.


By incorporating self directed learning the educational setting embodies the ethos of learning through application and this method is supported by research that emphasizes the importance of self directed learning, in boosting student motivation and engagement.


Feedback Loop and Continuous Improvement


Another aspect of learning by doing is the significance of feedback and progress. Trish Millines Dziko mentioned in her TED Talk that students excel when they can experiment and receive feedback to improve their approaches. This idea is evident in how the educational process allows students to test and refine their prototypes through a loop of feedback and enhancement.


Studies have shown that ongoing feedback and refinement are vital for learning and research indicates that learners who participate in a process involving testing, feedback and refinement achieve learning outcomes better than those who only receive feedback at the end of a project (Black & Wiliam 2009). This is because iterative feedback empowers students to improve their understanding and performance gradually instead of trying to grasp everything at once. The educational tool utilizes this concept by enabling students to engage in a cycle of testing and refining. This continuous process helps students learn and advance gradually instead of striving for perfection, from the start.

By incorporating feedback and fine tuning, the educational tool embodies the concept of learning through practice. This approach is supported by research that underscores the advantages of feedback, in improving student learning outcomes.


Emphasis on Collaboration and Community


An element of learning through practice is the focus on collaboration and community. As Trish Millines Dziko highlighted in her TED Talk students excel when they collaborate with others and become part of a community. The educational tool promotes a sense of community among students as reflected in its design.


Studies have shown that collaboration and community are factors in learning. Research has demonstrated that students who engage with peers in a community demonstrate levels of engagement and motivation compared to those who work independently (Wenger, 1998). Collaboration plays a role, in student learning by allowing them to benefit from perspectives and receive support and feedback to feel connected.


The educational tool embraces this concept by providing features that collaboration and nurture a sense of community. For example the video shows students working together in groups sharing ideas and offering feedback to one another. This collaborative setting enables students to learn from their peers and experience a sense of belonging.

By incorporating aspects of working and engaging with the community the educational tool reflects the idea of learning by doing. This approach is supported by studies showing how collaboration can boost student participation and drive.



Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (2009). D. Developing the theory of formative assessment. Educ Asse Eval Acc 21, 5–31.


Bransford, J. D., Brown, A. L., & Cocking, R. R. (2000). How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school. National Academy Press.


Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2000). The "what" and "why" of goal pursuit: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological Inquiry, 11(4), 227-268.


Millines Dziko, T. (2013). How schools can nurture every student's genius [Video]. TED Conferences.



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