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Movement Matters & GoNoodle Rocks

"Movement education aims to help individuals improve their motor skills’., Sam M.S., "MOVEMENT EDUCATION," in, April 7, 2013, (accessed October 15, 2022). Students learn to interact with their world through movement, whether it be the fine motor skills of creating an art project, the large motor moves of kicking a ball or the intermediary moves of shifting from one classroom to another. Movement is inherently a highly anticipated and satisfying part of every day and can be used in several ways to teach students about the world they live in. Nature hikes, gardening, zoo trips, excursions to botanical gardens, animal husbandry lessons, for example grooming horses, following goats, or simply devising compass games outside to help students understand the directional values of the school they attend are valuable ways to incorporate movement education. It doesn't always have to include dancing and singing, it can include walking, skipping, jumping, and running along paths.

Movement encourages attention, focus, and self-confidence. Learning is enhanced when movement breaks are incorporated into the daily schedule. Teaching students to use both sides of the body are especially helpful for cognitive stimulation. Allowing students to move around throughout the day as they attend to their lessons facilitates academic achievement. Free dancing in the home with siblings and parents is a great way to release tension, relax together and encourage movement. Movement can be a satisfying outcome for a concerted learning effort anticipated and expected after learning sessions. Attributional theory predicts that students will engage more when they have some say in the experience. Reiser & Dempsey (2018).

Reiser & Dempsey (2018). Dancing together, being silly, having fun and opting to spend time moving around for enjoyment improves emotional well-being, and imbues a sense of taking the time to engage in sensory activities for the fun of it is a valuable lesson for children and adults to share! Children become aware of their needs to move around and take steps to incorporate movement through volitional approaches to self-management, Reiser & Dempsey (2018). In a safe learning situation students will opt to draw on their tummies, may stand and stretch, ride the stationary bike while reading, use the treadmill to recite spelling words, or play catch while practicing vocabulary words with a partner. Movement becomes a self-management tool.

"GoNoodle: Let's Get Moving: Join the GoNoodle Movement Minute Challenge (2022): Motivation and encouragement to foster movement and strengthening through coordination and engaging activities!" (2022 GoNoodle, Inc.) The doldrums and boredom have no chance of infiltrating the minds and hearts of students are surprised by challenges to get up and move throughout the school day and compete with themselves to complete the challenge within the stated timeline. Reiser & Dempsey (2018). The intrinsic feelings of accomplishment coupled with the quantifiable evidence of attaining a goal is extrinsically motivating and builds teamwork within the classroom. Initiating a classroom goal helps everyone feel connected, attuned, and energized to stay on track and keep moving toward that goal together. There are days when the motivation to do anything extra is waning and the commitment to achieving a goal is the impetus to make the extra effort happen. Extrinsic rewards help foster the vision of the goal, but the intrinsic feeling of success comes from performing the desired action the goal requires.

Once the students are used to engaging in moves with GoNoodle another highly engaging "free dance" includes songs like Rhianna's "Dancing in the Dark," YouTube: (From The "Home" soundtrack, September 15, 2015). The students leap up and dance when the lights go off and quickly "hide" on the floor while the lights are on! They love it!

Whether it's a moment for deep breathing, high energy jumping, structured line-dancing, or rhythmic actions with steps and catchy songs, GONOODLE, (2022) is a splendid addition to an academic day of learning geometric relationships, or history lessons including timelines and important dates using note-taking or practices strategies for standardized tests. GONOODLE (2022) has something for every student, every day. Each activity has a built-in success component for every child and improves their motivation, Resier & Dempsyt (2018).


R.A. Reiser & J.V. Dempsey, (Trends & Issues in Instructional Design and Technology, 4th edition, 2018).

GoNoodle:Let's Get Moving: Join the GoNoodle Movement Minute Challenge (2022):

Motivation and encouragement to foster movement and strengthening through coordination and engaging activities! 2022 GoNoodle, Inc.

Sam M.S., "MOVEMENT EDUCATION," in, April 7, 2013, (accessed October 15, 2022).

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