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Young Children Learning to Code

Today’s world is powered by mobile applications. People use Facebook for connection, GrubHub for food, Waze for directions, Uber for transportation. New applications are created daily for the purpose of entertaining and supporting the population. It’s no wonder so many are drawn to computer programing and application development as a career.

Coding education can start teaching children a new language, introduce them to science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), as well as instilling basic problem-solving skills. CodeSpark is just one of many platforms build for elementary-aged coding education. CodeSpark’s mission is to make “critical skills accessible to kids everywhere” by having the platform available for home and school-based learning (CodeSpark Academy). The accessibility of tools like this is going to create a whole new caliber of application developers.

Safe Space to Experiment

Parents are continuing to seek out ways to facilitate their child’s development in a safe environment. This space must allow them to celebrate their wins as well as learn from their mistakes. Coding platforms, like codeSpark, allows the child to build and interact with a play space all their own. The child can foster their creativity while building and rebuilding playscapes. Papert refers to this idea as constructionism and proposes that children learn better when they are actively involved in the process as opposed to being the passive receiver (Papavlasopoulou et al, 2019). This raises the child’s confidence in themselves and the concepts being taught fueling their intrinsic motivation to continue to build and play (Keller & Deimann, 2018). Success in coding translates into the child being confident to take on and solve new problems that arise in their life.

Below Elina Ingelande talks more about the power of children coding in her TEDxRiga talk (TEDxRiga, 2018).

Achievable Checkpoints Building Volition

These child-friendly learning platforms create micro-lessons to teach a new concept. CodeSpark specifically uses picture-based learning and introduces the different actions one at a time in a show, teach, practice repetition. This predictable structure and quick implementation builds the child’s volition to get the tasks complete and leaves little room for distractions in the learning process (Keller & Deimann, 2018). Each checkpoint to follow builds on the knowledge mastered in the previous checkpoint. Quickly the young programmer goes from teaching a character how to walk and jump to creating a whole environment for the character to play freely. CodeSpark even allows these playscapes to be shared with other users in their built in community. This is also further encouragement for the new programmer to continue to practice and learn.

Realtime Feedback

Feedback is key to learning and coding platforms like this is no different. The quick response allows for the player to complete the trial and error or achievement loop quickly. Keller and Deimann teach that experiencing satisfying outcomes, like leveling up in a game, will lead to increased motivation (2018). At this age, learning to code is not lead by extrinsic motivation to create a best selling application or get a promotion at work. Coding, and any leisure activity, is done for the joy of doing it. However, with any consumable product for kids, the developer can also leverage the extrinsic motivator for the parents. As mentioned previous, parents want to create a safe space for their child's development. Showing them how the application can support the child's growth into a top performing student with the skills above is hard to pass up.


About us codeSpark academy. codeSpark Academy. (n.d.). Retrieved May 21, 2022, from

Keller, J.M. & Deimann, M. (2018). Motivation, volition, and performance. In R.A. Reiser, & J.V Dempsey (Eds.), Trends and issues in instructional design and technology (4th ed.) (pp. 78-86). New York, NY: Pearson

Papavlasopoulou, S., Giannakos, M. N., & Jaccheri, L. (2019). Exploring children's learning experience in constructionism-based coding activities through design-based research. Computers in Human Behavior, 99, 415-427.

TEDxRiga. (2018). Elīna Ingelande: Coding for kids as a means of creative expression | TED Talk. Retrieved May 21, 2022, from

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